If you have had a repetitive motion injury at work, it is best to consider hiring a lawyer to help you with your case. Repetitive motion injuries can occur over a long period, making it difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of the damage. In addition, some employers may dispute the claim, arguing that the injury is not work-related or the result of a pre-existing condition.

Here are some specific situations where it may be necessary to get a lawyer involved in a repetitive motion injury case and your employer denies your claim:

  • If your employer disputes your workers’ compensation benefits claim, a lawyer can help you navigate the legal process and ensure you receive the benefits you deserve.
  • You are not receiving adequate medical treatment: If you are not receiving appropriate medical treatment for your repetitive motion injury, a lawyer can help you find a doctor specializing in treating these types of damages and ensure you receive the medical care you need.
  • Your employer does not provide accommodations: If your employer refuses to provide accommodations, such as modified work duties or ergonomic equipment, to help you prevent further injury, a lawyer can help you take legal action to ensure that your employer complies with the law.
  • You cannot return to work: If your repetitive motion injury prevents you from returning, a lawyer can help you navigate the disability benefits system and ensure you receive the benefits you are entitled to.
  • You are being harassed or discriminated against: If your employer or coworkers are harassing or discriminating against you because of your repetitive motion injury, a lawyer can help you take legal action to stop the harassment and discrimination and obtain compensation for any damages you have suffered.

Seeking legal advice if you have suffered a repetitive motion injury at work is essential. An experienced lawyer can help you understand your rights and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.