Do you own Commercial property in North Carolina?
Don’t overpay property taxes on your commercial real estate.
Do you own Commercial property in North Carolina?
Don’t overpay property taxes on your commercial real estate.
12 counties in North Carolina are revaluing properties. Is your property affected?
Shipman & Wright’s tax practice features attorneys with not just legal, but solid operational level experience as commercial property and asset managers, and business owners.
Our unique skill sets allows us to articulate solid and defensible arguments based on a deep understanding of what operational functions, deferred maintenance, vendor agreements, leasing, occupancy status, market, and environmental issues (asbestos, mold, contamination), etc. impact the determination of “fair market value”.
Often, these vitally important nuances are missed, not understood, or electively ignored by tax assessors and county appraisers resulting in erroneous and heavy-handed tax assessments.
If you have concerns about your commercial tax valuation, contact Shipman & Wright.
Have a Valuation Question?
Contact Shipman & Wright.

We offer tax assistance with:
- Property Tax (Ad Valorem)
- Re-evaluation Requests
- State & Local Taxes
- Negotiation with County Assessors
- Compliance Matters
- Filings and Deadlines
- Appeals to County Boards of Equalization
- Appeals to the North Carolina Property Tax Commission
- Judicial Review of Erroneous North Carolina Property Tax Commission Decisions
Shipman & Wright Can Help
Office • Multifamily • Industrial • Farm
Shipman & Wright Can Help
Office • Multifamily • Industrial • Farm
VDR – Valuation Dispute Resolution
Resolution of disputes with county assessors involving:
- First-level assessment review
- Appeals of assessments & penalties
- Strategic review and preparation assistance with respect to real property income and expense report filings
- Corrections of erroneous assessments
- Exemption applications
- Use code changes
- Vacant and blighted property assessment appeals
- Tax Refunds
Legal consultations, assistance, and coordination with owner third parties (CPAs, revenue agents, tax consultants, asset managers, lenders, and servicers) as required regarding property appraisal/valuation issues stemming from tax assessments and related issues.
Mitigation of tax issues relating to the economic and functional obsolescence of fixtures, machinery, and equipment.
Phase I & II Environmental issues impacting valuations.